Draaien achter de draaischijf. Throwing on the wheel. Will you join us?
Read more: Draaien achter de draaischijf. Throwing on the wheel. Will you join us?Pottenbakken/pottery near Amsterdam A.s. donderdagavond 23 januari om 19.00 uur start er bij CREA-Uithoorn, de nieuwe cursus Draaien achter de draaischijf. Coming Thursdaynight 23rd of January at 7 pm we start a new course throwing on the wheel. Do you dare to take a change with clay?Learning a lot in a short time? Or just…
Valentine date workshop
Read more: Valentine date workshopYour special Valentine date 2024 Out of the box, do you want a special Valentine date? Join me for a special activity with clay. You will work together on a nice creation. To take home, a ceramic item built by yourself and your Valentine as a reminder of your date together. Dates; Sunday 11th of…
Memories of the Far East
Read more: Memories of the Far EastI am exhibiting work in November 2023 in the hall of the City Council of Uithoorn, The Netherlands. Besides ceramics, I am also presenting photographs from Indonesia and Far East inspired shawls that I recently created. The exhibition is from 8 November until 1 December 2023. The exact location of the exhibition can be found…
Rozes for my best friend
Read more: Rozes for my best friendAre you curious how this piece with roses was made, come and join us in the ceramic course handbuilding at Crea, p/a Fort aan de Drecht, Grevelingen 56 in Uithoorn, on Wednesday mornings 9.30 till 12 am. The course has started, but you can still join and enrol our enthousiastic group any time. Come and…
Introductory CERAMIC Course at SAKB Kunstlokaal on Tuesday afternoons. At 7, 14 en 21 november 2023
Read more: Introductory CERAMIC Course at SAKB Kunstlokaal on Tuesday afternoons. At 7, 14 en 21 november 2023This introductory ceramic course you can practise with clay and learn new skills under my supervision during the hole afternoon from 1.30 pm till 7.30 pm. You will learn to work with molds, handbuilding, working with slabs, and get advice about which glazes to use on your creation. We work in a small group, which…
Simple enjoying lunch when it is stormy and wet outside
Read more: Simple enjoying lunch when it is stormy and wet outsideLife can be so simple to enjoy with little things. The weather conditions are very bad today so we all went home in time. I enjoyed my lunch with toasted bread with goatcheese with walnuts and a bit of honeydressing on top and some baby tomatoes together with a cup of milk. Using my own…
The vase which was exhibit
Read more: The vase which was exhibitMy vase was exhibited during the Open Day competition at De Hazelaar in Soest, The Netherlands yesterday. Many people came to De Hazelaar in Soest to enjoy the great range of vases to vote on. Discounts on many products and many demonstrations to see for yourself. Providing tea and coffee and some snacks. As all…
Exhibition Vases at De Hazelaar on Open Door Day
Read more: Exhibition Vases at De Hazelaar on Open Door DayI am exhibiting one of my vases during the Open Day at De Hazelaar, (Ceramic supplystore) address Pimpelmees 1, in Soest, The Netherlands. On Saturday q4th of October, they are open from 10 am till 4 pm. The question during the Open Door Day at De Hazelaar in Soest is …which one will you vote…
Kurinuki Workshop
Read more: Kurinuki WorkshopOn 12 and 13 August 2023 I am again organising a Kurinuki workshop with Kyoshitsu Sasaki. Please contact met for details on info@martinadielen.nl
New ceramics course Amstelveen
Read more: New ceramics course AmstelveenI am starting a new ceramics course at SAKB in Amstelveen on 14 March 2023. For more information, please have a look at the web site of SAKB in Amstelveen.